
Animation and Game Design (B.F.A.)

The 3D Animation and Game Design (ANGD) program prepares students to pursue careers in the field of computer-generated animation in film, television, advertising, and games. Graduates find work as modelers, texture artists, animators, character animators, compositors and game designers. In addition to layout, illustration, and cinematic skills, students learn professional production values and practices.

The goal of the 3D Animation and Game Design program is to prepare students for a demanding and competitive field. Because of this competitiveness, the department must be selective and demanding in course work requirements and assessments. A student's success in this area depends on a solid foundation in modeling, form finding, texture painting, motion studies, cinematic theory, problem solving ability, and software skills. Since the experiences and backgrounds of entering students vary widely, some students need additional time at the foundation level before they are ready for their concentration courses.

It is University policy that students must pass courses in their major with a minimum grade of C. Students who make a D or less must re-take their major courses. In the 3D Animation and Game Design program, students may attempt each ANGD course twice.

Requirements for a major in 3D Animation and Game Design:

1. ANGD Core Courses

ANGD 1101Orientation to Animation and Game Design

ANGD 1301Introduction to Animation and Game Design

ANGD 1302Digital Imaging and Texture Painting

ANGD 1311Set and Level Design and Modeling

ANGD 1321Character Modeling

ANGD 1380Anatomy for the Animator

ANGD 2222Advanced Character Creation and Rigging

ANGD 2232Advanced Character Animation

ANGD 2321Rigging

ANGD 2331Principles of Animation

ANGD 3315Visual Narrative Conventions

ANGD 3325Figure Drawing for Animators

ARTS 1301Drawing I

ARTS 3331Ceramic Sculpture

INTD 3363History of Architecture and Furniture II


ANGD 3360Programming for Games


ANGD 3325Figure Drawing for Animators


angd-3325'>ANGD 3325: Must take twice

2. ANGD Advanced Core

ANGD 3340Production I

ANGD 3350Production II

ANGD 4100Animation Industry Seminar

ANGD 4140Senior Thesis Workshop

ANGD 4305Senior Portfolio

ANGD 4340Business of Animation and Game Design

ANGD 4440Senior Thesis Production I

ANGD 4450Senior Thesis Production II

PHIL 3375Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art and Beauty


ANGD 4301Advanced Projects Practicum


ANGD 4303Cooperative Education Internship

angd-4100'>ANGD 4100: Must take six times