Honors Program

The Honors Program at the University of the Incarnate Word offers intellectually gifted and community-minded individuals a customized curriculum and purposeful programs. With the university's mission as the program's philosophical foundation, the concept of social justice, a synthesis of knowledge and faith, and community service are woven throughout the honors curriculum and co-curricular programming.

The Honors Program is a four-year program that provides a training ground for future leaders within the community. Participation aims to provide these student outcomes:

  • develop the whole person

  • cultivate leaders

  • nurture conscientious citizens of the world

  • foster the discovery of truth

  • encourage students to create a personal synthesis of their knowledge and faith

  • promote life-long learning

Students interested in applying to the UIW Honors Program must 1) be an incoming freshman for the new fall semester and 2) have submitted an application to the university. In addition, candidates generally meet the following standards:

  • Have a minimum of high school cumulative GPA of 3.5 and

  • Have a combined SAT score (Verbal, Math, writing) of 1800 and/or combined ACT score (English, Reading, Math) of 81 (Composite of 27)

  • Give evidence of leadership and concern for the common good

The honors curriculum includes nine courses which explore the theme "What does it mean to be human?" and culminates in the senior year with an independent project within the student's major. Honors courses fulfill the university's Core Curriculum requirements in a variety of academic disciplines; seven of those courses (14-16 credit hours) are required of all honors students and three others (10 credit hours) are taken by honors students who need them to fulfill graduation requirements.

Students in the Honors Program are expected to maintain a full-time course load and a minimum grade point average of 3.5; all honors students are expected to graduate at least cum laude, which requires a minimum 3.5 GPA. Honors students also attend a minimum of three co-curricular events per semester such as service, cultural and academic presentations. More information on the Honors Program can be obtained at www.uiw.edu/honors or from the Honors Program Director (210-832-3211).

The UIW honors student will complete seven specified honors courses for a total of fourteen-to-sixteen semester hours. These are the courses required of every honors student:

Additional Courses for Honors Students

The UIW Honors student who needs courses in the following disciplines to fulfill UIW Core requirements or has room within the 120 semester-hours required for graduation after completing UIW Core, major, minor, or double major requirements will take the following courses. Honors students who may wish to take these courses in excess of 120 hours are encouraged, but not required, to do so:
ENGL 3310HHuman Story Through Literature

ENSC 3420HHuman Dominated Ecosystems

HIST 3310HInquiries into Human Stories of the Modern World

Courses Required of All UIW Honors Students:

HONP 1110HIntroduction to UIW Honors Program

PHIL 1381HThe Intellectual Quest

RELS 1327HTheological Anthropology

Plus a research or creative project in the student's major (senior level course, 1-3 hours). The number of hours required will depend on the number of hours of research required in each major and on the nature of the product of the major-required research class.