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Course Descriptions
ACCT - Business Accounting
ANGD - 3D Animation and Game Design
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARTH - Art History
ARTS - Art
ATHP - Athletic Training Education
BFIN - Business Finance
BINT - International Business
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BMDS - Business Management Decision Systems
BMGT - Business Management
BMKT - Business Marketing
CHED - Community Health Education
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CLRS - Clinical Research
CLST - Cultural Studies
COMM - Communication Arts
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CSEC - Cyber Security Systems
DANC - Dance
DATA - Data Science
DMTS - Design Media and Technology Studies
DWHP - Dimensions of Wellness
ECON - Business Economics
EDRD - Literacy Education
EDSI - Education Science Instruction
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENSC - Environmental Science
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
FADS - Fashion Design
FMGT - Fashion Management
FREN - French
FYES - First-Year Experience
GBUS-General Business
GDSN - Graphic Design
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GOVT - Political Science
HCSC - Healthcare Sciences
HEBR - Hebrew
HIND - Hindi
HIST - History
HONP - Honors
INST - International Studies
INTD - Interior Design
INMR - Interior Merchandising and Management
IPHS - Interprofessional Health Studies
IT - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
JUSP - Justice and Peace
KEHP - Kinesiology
KORE - Korean
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MDHM - Medical Humanities
METR - Meteorology
MIS - Business Management Information
Modern - Modern Languages
MS - Military Science
MUAP - Applied Music Private Instruction
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
MUST - Music Industry Studies
MUTH - Music Therapy
NM - Nuclear Medicine Science
OPT - Optometry
NMED - Nuclear Medicine Science
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PEHP - Kinesiology
PHAR - Pre-Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PMIN - Pastoral Ministry
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PUBH - Public Health
RELS - Religious Studies
RSCH - Research
RSPI - Pastoral Institute
SMHP - Sport Management
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
THAR - Theatre Arts
VISC - Vision Science
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
/ ARTH - Art History
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ARTH - Art History
ARTH 1310
Masterworks of World Art
ARTH 1399
Selected Topics
ARTH 2361
Art History: Ancient through Medieval
ARTH 2362
Art History: Renaissance to Modern
ARTH 2399
Selected Topics
ARTH 3315
The Art and Architecture of Christianity - from Early Christian to Modernity
ARTH 3330
The Art of the Graphic Novel
ARTH 3334
Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
ARTH 3350
Latin American Art: 20th Century
ARTH 3357
History of Photography
ARTH 3360
Survey of Contemporary Art
ARTH 3362
Art History: Renaissance to Modern
ARTH 3363
Native American Art: Pueblo, Moundbuilders, Archaic
ARTH 3364
Native American Art: Plains, Athapaskan, Pacific
ARTH 3365
Medieval Art
ARTH 3371
Selected Topics
ARTH 3375
Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art and Beauty
ARTH 3375H
The Aesthetic Quest
ARTH 3395
Christianity Through Art
ARTH 3399
Special Topics
ARTH 4330
Topics in the History of Photography
ARTH 4350
Modern Art of Mexico
ARTH 4360
Issues in Contemporary Art
ARTH 4363
Native American Art: Pueblo, MoundBuilder, Archaic
ARTH 4366
Italian Renaissance Art 1400-1600
ARTH 4371
Selected Topics
ARTH 4390
Topics in the History of Photography
ARTH 4398
Independent Study
ARTH 4399
Selected Topics
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Course Descriptions