
Cultural Studies (B.A.)

Recommended Sequence of Courses in the major. For a current degree sequence, please visit the department's website.

36 semester hours

1. Required CLST Courses (15 semester hours)

CLST 2315Introduction to Cultural Studies

CLST 2320Cultural Studies Method: Inquiry and Evidence

CLST 3325Cultural Studies Theory

CLST 3110/
CLST 3115
CLST 3120
Cultural Studies Colloquium

CLST 4310Senior Seminar

CLST 3110, CLST 3115, CLST 3120 are three 1-hour courses to be taken in the Junior and Senior years

2. Required CORE Course

ANTH 1311Cultural Anthropology

3. CLST -approved electives (18 semester hours; 12 must be upper division)

NOTE: Students must meet all prerequisites for these courses.

ANTH 3332/SOCI 3332Culturology and Cross-Cultural Communication

ANTH 3399Special Topics

ARTH 1310Masterworks of World Art

ARTH 2361Art History: Ancient Through Medieval

ARTH 2362Art History: Renaissance to Modern

ARTH 3350Latin American Art: 20th Century

ARTH 3357History of Photography

ARTH 3360Survey in Contemporary Art

ARTH 3363Native American Art: Pueblo, Moundbuilders, and Archaic

ARTH 3364Native American Art: Plains, Athapaskan, Pacific Coast

ARTH 3375Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art and Beauty

ARTH 4350Modern Art of Mexico

ARTH 4360Issues in Contemporary Art

ARTS 2357Photography I

ARTS 2360Documentary Photography I

ARTS 3365Directorial Photography

ARTS 4360Art Photography: Manipulated Images

BINT 4350Latin American Economics

BMKT 3331Principles of Marketing

BMKT 3333Integrated Marketing Communications

BMKT 3334Service Marketing

BMKT 3340Retailing

MKT 3355Marketing on the Internet

BMKT 3357Social Marketing

BMKT 3365Product Design and Brand Management

BMKT 3377Consumer Behavior

COMM 1301Introduction to Mass Communication

COMM 2357Photography I

COMM 3310Theories of Communication

COMM 3317Diversity in the Media

COMM 3320Aesthetics of Vision and Sound

COMM 3330Impact of Media on Society

COMM 3340New Media Narratives

COMM 4305Communications, Technology, and Society

COMM 4315Media Ethics

COMM 4322Seminar in Selected Film Topics

COMM 4325Global Media Studies

COMM 4348Journalism History

COMM 4350Photojournalism

CRJU 3322/SOCI 3322Criminology

CRJU 3325/PSYC 3325Drugs and Crime in Modern Society

CRJU 3340Corrections

CRJU 3343Probation, Parole and Community

CRJU 3347/SOCI 3347Sociology of the Death Penalty

CRJU 3350Juvenile Justice

CRJU 3365Media and Crime

ENGL 2340Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

ENGL 2360Literary Theory

ENGL 3391American Literature Survey I

ENGL 3330Genre Studies

ENGL 3340Women's Writing

ENGL 3355Classical Rhetorical Theory

ENGL 3357Visual Rhetoric

ENGL 4320Period Studies

ENGL 4340Major Authors

ENGL 4350Literary Movements

ENGL 4355Contemporary Rhetorical Theory

FMGT 1305Introduction to Fashion Management

FMGT 1307Cultural Perspectives of Dress

FMGT 2350Promotional Strategies in Fashion I

GEOG 3311Cultural Geography

GEOG 3312Geography and Ethnic Groups of Texas and the Southwest

GEOL 1311World Geography

GOVT 1391Human Rights

GOVT 2310Comparative Politics

GOVT 2320International Relations

GOVT 2350Environmental Politics

GOVT 2375International Organizations

GOVT 3356Terrorism and Conflict in the International Arena

GOVT 3371Political Theory

GOVT 4323Politics of Coffee and Sugar

GOVT 4325Political Behavior

GOVT 4355Politics of Developing Areas

GOVT 4363Political Globalization

GOVT 4385Topics in American Politics

GOVT 4387Topics in Comparative Politics/International Relations

HIST 2322Texas History

HIST 2332Introduction to Asian History

HIST 3324Colonial America

HIST 3326The Rise of Modern America 1870-1920

HIST 3327United States from World War I to World War II

HIST 3328The United States Since 1945

HIST 3331Colonial Latin America

HIST 3332Latin America Since Independence

HIST 3340Modern Europe

HIST 4325Global Human Rights

HIST 4332Mexico

HIST 4336Topics in Chinese History

HIST 4338Topics in South Asian History

HIST 4341Making History

HIST 4350Topics in World History

HIST 4352Topics In U.S. History

MUSI 2346History of Jazz

MUSI 3348Studies in World Music

MUSI 3349Women In Music

MUSI 3350American Popular Music

MUSI 3351Music in the Asian Theater

PHIL 3315Philosophy of Human Nature

PHIL 3318Theories of Reality and Knowledge

PHIL 3320Philosophy of Love

PHIL 3325Philosophy of Culture

PHIL 3332Ethics

PHIL 3333Applied Ethics

PHIL 3351Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 3352Medieval Philosophy

PHIL 3353Modern Philosophy

PHIL 3354Contemporary Philosophy

PHIL 3355World Philosophy

PHIL 3365Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 3370Philosophy of Science and Technology

PHIL 3375Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art and Beauty

PHIL 3385Justice: Tradition and Transformation

PHIL 3390Philosophy of Black Music

PHIL 3395Feminist Philosophy

PHIL 4371Special Topics

PSYC 3330Human Sexuality

PSYC 3331Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 3351/SOCI 3351Social Psychology

PSYC 3355Psychology of Women

PSYC 3385Multicultural Issues

PSYC 4331History of Psychology

RELS 3305Catholic Social Teachings

RELS 3322Christianity through Art

RELS 3335God and Human Sexuality

RELS 3340Feminist Theologies

RELS 3350Environmental Theology and Ethics

RELS 4300Women and Faith

RELS 4310Women in the Christian Tradition

RELS 4320U.S. Latino/a Theology and Culture

RELS 4330Death and Belief

RELS 4345Theologies of Liberation

SOCI 2335Social Issues Through Cinema

SOCI 3301Collective Behavior and Social Movements

SOCI 3321Social Problems and Social Justice

SOCI 3322/CRJU 3322Criminology

SOCI 3324Sociology of Deviance and Mental Illness

SOCI 3332Culturology and Cross-Cultural Communication

SOCI 3343Sociology of the Family

SOCI 3344Social Stratification

SOCI 3345Sociology of Religion

SOCI 3347/CRJU 3347Sociology of the Death Penalty

SOCI 3350Sociology of Sport

SOCI 3351/PSYC 3351Social Psychology

SOCI 3355Aging in America

SOCI 3361Urban Sociology

SOCI 3371Minority Relations

SOCI 3372Hispanics in America

SOCI 3387Sociological Theory

SPAN 3311Culture and Civilization of Spain

SPAN 3312Culture and Civilization of Latin America

SPAN 3331Spanish Literature to 1700

SPAN 3332Spanish Literature Since 1700

SPAN 3334Spanish in the Media

SPAN 3341Spanish-American Literature to Modernism

SPAN 3342Spanish-American Literature since Modernism

SPAN 3343The Literature of U.S. Hispanics

SPAN 4312Topics in Spanish or Spanish-American Culture and Civilization

SPAN 4313Topics in Spanish or Spanish-American Literature

THAR 1381Theatre Appreciation