PSYC 4490 Drug Use Prevention, Community Interventions, and Criminal Justice Internship

This course requires 120 clock hours of service learning in some aspect of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) prevention, and community psychology, or criminal justice. The course includes a comprehensive exploration of ATOD prevention, criminal justice, and psychology ethics. At least ten hours of the internship will be allotted to each of: Planning and Evaluation, Education and Skill Development, Community Organization, Public and Organizational Policy, and Professional Growth and Responsibility. This course also requires completion of an action research project that meets a need at the internship site. This course is a required course for psychology majors completing the Addiction Prevention Specialist/Community Psychology option. This course is an elective course for the criminal justice major. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors. Instructor's permission/signature is required for registration.


PSYC 3331, PSYC 3340, and PSYC 3385 and instructor permission to enroll. (Spring, Summer)