
Music—Bachelor of Arts

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Website: Department of Music

College/School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 

Apply to UIW: Application for the Bachelor of Arts in Music

Accreditation: National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)

Bachelor of Arts in Music

The Bachelor of Arts in Music is a liberal arts degree designed to prepare students for graduate school and/or careers in music or other fields. Degree candidates receive thorough instruction in music theory and history, develop proficiency in voice or on an instrument, and take courses in a variety of other disciplines to achieve the breadth of learning that characterizes a liberal arts degree. The Bachelor of Arts in Music is appropriate for students who want to double major in music and another discipline.


The faculty and students in the Department of Music share three underlying goals, inspired by the university’s history as a liberal arts institution, its mission, and its spiritual traditions. First, we seek to deepen our understanding of music through study, performance, and the creation of new music. Students develop a strong foundation in music theory, aural skills, and basic keyboard technique while exploring their own creativity through composition and improvisation and pursuing higher-level study of voice or a musical instrument. Second, we examine how music has functioned in different cultures, considering in detail both the long and rich history of Euro-American concert traditions and a variety of other music cultures. Third, we work to enrich our lives and the lives we touch outside the university through music. Students pursue this third goal in different ways, according to the focus of their chosen degrees, but are invited by the faculty to conceive of music as a vital form of communication that lends itself to self-improvement and service to others.

Policies, Auditions, Scholarships: View the Department of Music website for the most current and detailed information about degrees, auditions, scholarships, faculty, ensembles, and policies.

— All students wishing to major or minor in Music are required to audition for conditional entrance to the program.

— Students may major in Music, double major in Music and some other discipline, or minor in Music. Music majors may choose from among six different degree plans.

  • Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Minor in All-Level Education

  • Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy

  • Bachelor of Music with an Emphasis in Composition

  • Bachelor of Arts in Music with an Emphasis in Performance

  • Bachelor of Arts in Music with an Emphasis in Music Industry Studies

  • Bachelor of Arts in Music


Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree program is a two-fold process.


  1. Admission to the University of the Incarnate Word.
  2. Admission, through audition, to the Department of Music.

Bachelor of Arts in Music Degree Plan

The Bachelor of Arts in Music degree program requires a minimum of 120 credit hours to complete.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 

Music Theory and History

MUSI 1110Freshman Music Seminar


MUSI 1191Aural Skills I


MUSI 1192Aural Skills II


MUSI 2193Advanced Aural Skills III


MUSI 2194Advanced Aural Skills IV


MUSI 1321Music Theory I


MUSI 1322Music Theory II


MUSI 2323Music Theory III


MUSI 3324Music Theory IV


MUSI 1111Keyboard Skills I


MUSI 1121Keyboard Skills II


MUSI 2110Keyboard Skills III


MUSI 2120Keyboard Skills IV


MUSI 3341Music History I


MUSI 3342Music History II



MUSI 3348Studies in World Music



MUSI 3351Music in Asian Theater



MUSI 4323Form and Analysis


MUSI 4341Research and Writing in Music


MUSI 4344Conducting


Total Credit Hours:40

MUSI 1110 must be completed twice.


Applied Music

Total Credit Hours:16

Principal Instrument or Voice

10 credit hours are required in principal instrument or voice.

Vocal Track
MUAP 1176Private Instruction: Voice


MUAP 1177Private Instruction: Voice


MUAP 2276Private Instruction: Voice


MUAP 2277Private Instruction: Voice


MUAP 3276Private Instruction: Voice


MUAP 3277Private Instruction: Voice


Total Credit Hours:10
Instrumental Track
MUAP 1154Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 1155Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 2254Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 2255Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 3254Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 3255Private Instruction: Instrumental


MUAP 4254Instrumental Private Instruction VII


MUAP 4255Instrumental Private Instruction VIII


Total Credit Hours:10

Major Ensembles

6 credit hours of major ensembles. Ensembles are Cardinal Band, Cardinal Chorale, Orchestra or Wind Ensemble.
Total Credit Hours:6

General Electives

General electives must be taken as needed to satisfy the 120 credit hour requirement of the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree program.

Ensemble Policies

There are four major ensembles: Chorale (MUEN 1131), Marching Cardinals (MUEN 1140), Wind Ensemble (MUEN 1185), and Orchestra (MUEN 1181). The following policies relate to the required enrollment into ensemble courses.

  • Music majors must register for six-eight semesters, depending upon their particular degree, of major ensembles while at UIW.

  • Music minors must register for four semester hours of major ensembles.

  • All students on a music scholarship must enroll in their appropriate major ensemble in any semester in which they receive funds.

  • Transfer students must register for at least four semester hours of the appropriate major ensemble.

  • A student can only count one ensemble credit toward fulfilling their degree plan for each semester even if they register for more than one ensemble.

The following policies apply to the required enrollment into ensembles related to their principal instruments:

  • Voice PRINCIPALS should be in Chorale (MUEN 1131) both Fall and Spring.

  • String PRINCIPALS should be in Orchestra (MUEN 1181) both Fall and Spring.

  • Guitar and Piano PRINCIPALS can be in Chorale (MUEN 1131), but they may be in Marching Cardinals (MUEN 1140, Fall) and Wind Ensemble (MUEN 1185, Spring) or Orchestra (MUEN 1181) if they also play a woodwind, brass, percussion, or string instrument.

  • Music Industry Studies, Composition, and Music Education MAJORS who are also woodwind, brass, and percussion PRINCIPALS should be in Marching Cardinals (MUEN 1140, Fall) and Wind Ensemble (MUEN 1185, Spring).

EXCEPTIONS: Because of the varied emphases in voice, guitar, and keyboard, MUSIC THERAPY MAJORS who are also woodwind, brass, and percussion principals can choose between marching Cardinals and Chorale in the Fall. In the Spring, MUSIC THERAPY MAJORS who are ALSO in woodwind, brass, and percussion principals should be in Wind Ensemble. Composition majors who are woodwind, brass, and percussion principles may opt to be in Chorale for two of their ensemble credits. Piano and Guitar principals who have a secondary instrument may choose an appropriate major ensemble other than Chorale.

  • ORCHESTRA for woodwind, brass, and percussion majors is not considered a MAJOR ENSEMBLE--only for string majors.

  • The ensembles below do not count as major ensembles:

  • All students may participate in more than one ensemble.

Academic Policies for Music Students

Piano Proficiency

All students majoring in Music must pass the Piano Proficiency test before they can apply to graduate.

Transfer Students

All incoming transfer students must contact the Department of Music. Transfer students may be required to take a placement test in music theory and aural skills before they begin classes at UIW. The faculty reserves the right to assign theory courses for which students may already be credited by the Registrar if the students are unable to score at least 70% on the placement test. The Department of Music also reserves the right not to accept transfer of other upper-division Music courses based on the evaluation and comparison of the syllabus/course outline from the student’s previous institution to that of the UIW course for which transfer credit is sought. It is also UIW policy that no junior, community, or two-year college course can count towards a student’s 42-hour advanced-level requirement (See the "Transfer Credit Questions" section of the FAQ on the webpage of the Office of the Registrar). As part of the Department of Music residency requirement, transfer students must enroll in a minimum of four semesters of a major ensemble at UIW, plus any additional semesters as required by the degree program that are not fulfilled by transfer credits. Students also must enroll in a major ensemble each semester in which they receive either an ensemble or music scholarship.

Transfer students assigned to MUAP 1154, MUAP 1155, MUAP 1141 and /or MUSI 1300, MUSI 1100, MUSI 1121, and/or MUSI 1191 will be required to register for the Freshman Music Seminar (MUSI 1110). Transfer students must participate in four semesters of major ensembles (see list above) at UIW. Transfer students in Teacher Certification must participate in at least three semesters of major ensembles at the UIW.

Policy for Transfer Credits in Music

All incoming transfer students must contact the Department of Music to schedule a placement test in music theory and aural skills before they begin UIW classes. If a student is unable to pass the placement test, the Department reserves the right to assign theory courses for which the student may already be credited by the Registrar. The Department also reserves the right not to accept transfer of other upper-division music courses on a case-by-case basis.

Policy for Retaking a Music Course:

Music students may not withdraw or earn less than a C in the same Music course more than twice. If on the third attempt the student does not pass the course, earning a letter grade of B- or higher, the student must either 1) change to another Music degree or change majors if the course is required for a specific degree (Music Education, Performance or Composition Emphasis, Music Industry Studies, Music Therapy) or 2) must change to a different major if the course is required for all Music degrees.

Refer to the UIW Department of Music Student Handbook.