VISC 6305 Fundamentals of Vision Science

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and application of vision science. Topics include light specification, transmission, photometry, & colorimetry; visual sensitivity (duplicity theory, light & dark adaptation, spectral, spatial, temporal aspects of threshold, brightness-difference & chromatic thresholds), color vision (spectral sensitivity, contrast, constancy, adaptation; color deficiency & testing) form perception (linear systems analysis, visual acuity & contrast sensitivity, resolution, hyperacuity, luminance & defocus, illusions, constancies), temporal aspects of vision & motion perception (dynamic acuity, real & apparent motion, after-effects); neurophysiology of vision (single cell, parallel pathways, higher processes), electrophysiological correlates of vision; psychophysical methodology, normal & abnormal visual development contrast sensitivity, temporal sensitivity, and motion sensitivity. A clinical approach will be applied to the study of vision science & perception.



Cross Listed Courses

VISC 7305