OMED 7450 General Surgery Core Clerkship

This 4-week experience is designed to provide students the opportunity to acquire the skills, cognitive structure and knowledge necessary to properly evaluate and manage surgical patients. While this clerkship primarily occurs in the inpatient setting, some ambulatory experience may also be provided to reflect the comprehensive nature of surgical practice. Students will learn preoperative evaluation, surgical assistance, and post-operative management and care. Indications for surgical procedures, sterile technique and operating room protocols, and surgical complications (both intra- and post-operative) are emphasized. Students will be gain experience in both general surgery and surgical subspecialties. Students are also encouraged to integrate and apply osteopathic principles and practices to the management of patients.Students will observe and participate in the daily patient care activities of a surgeon in a clinical environment, including outpatient, inpatient, and operating room. This provides opportunities for students to develop a spectrum of clinical skills from interviewing, examination, documentation, and management.
