OMED 6035 Endocrine, Reproduction, and Respect

This unit explores the endocrine and reproductive systems through the integration and application of biomedical sciences and osteopathic clinical skills. This unit utilizes the holistic osteopathic approach and the recognition of the interdependence of structure and function to engage learners in the art and science of clinical examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Using case-based learning in small and large groups, learners examine the underlying normal and abnormal anatomical and physiological processes, and the intervention and management of diseases and disorders associated with the endocrine and reproductive systems. Learners investigate the roles of the endocrine system in regulating anabolic and catabolic processes in health and disease. Moreover, learners explore the impact of emotions and the brain on hormone production and function. The dynamic relationship of the endocrine system and reproductive health is revealed through the study of the life phases of embryonic formation of the reproductive system, puberty, mature sexual function, and age-related decline in sexual function. Infertility issues, normal and complicated pregnancy, and labor and delivery is examined along with ethical decision-making regarding reproduction and sexual health issues. Learners continue to develop their professional identity as compassionate osteopathic physicians through a new focus on exhibiting respect when challenged with difficult and sensitive conversations with patients and their families. Recognition of the social, ethical, and public health impact of endocrine function, sexual concerns, and reproductive health is also integrated into this unit.
