OMED 5820 Musculoskeletal, Touch, and Personhood

This unit challenges learners to explore the care of the peripheral nervous, musculoskeletal (MSK), and integumentary systems through the integration and application of biomedical sciences and osteopathic clinical skills. Development of the learner’s identity as an osteopathic physician continues with this study of structure and function and how alterations of these systems may affect the person’s identity and cause suffering. The unit utilizes the osteopathic, holistic approach of observation and touch to engage students in the art of clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Using case-based learning in small groups, students analyze peripheral nervous, MSK, and integumentary diseases and disorders. The cases emphasize underlying cellular and molecular pathophysiologic processes, inflammatory and infectious causes, and the intervention and management of diseases and disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal and integumentary systems while recognizing the psychosocial impact. The analysis of these systems also focuses on health promotion and disease prevention that are important to a high quality of life. In early patient simulations, learners will gather patient history and conduct physical examinations of these systems.
