
All automobiles or motorcycles parked on campus must be registered with the Business Office.

To park on campus, students must register their vehicle. Parking fees are assessed to a student's account at the time the vehicle is registered. Graduate students will be assessed a fee dependent upon the number of semester hours they are taking any given semester.  The fee will be based on the current per credit hour rate (which is available on the business office website under tuition/fees) for . A lost or stolen permit can be replaced at the Business Office. The fee for a replacement permit is the full-time charge for the respective semester. Failure to exhibit a decal will be cause for ticketing.  Incarnate Word High School and St. Anthony Catholic High School decals are valid parking credentials at the University.  Parking regulations will be strictly enforced.  Violators will be ticketed and charged.  A repeat violation will result in a vehicle boot and/or towing of the vehicle at the owner's expense. For questions about specific charges or refunds, contact the Business Office at (210) 829-6043.

How To Obtain a Parking Decal

  • The student must submit his/her application online through the MyWord portal.

The following applies for individuals with a disability placard:

  • Present your original letter issued by the state or your disability placard (decal);
  • A valid driver's license;
  • A current copy of your vehicle registration
  • Students or Employees must register the vehicle and pick up a UIW Disability Decal at the Business Office.

For questions about specific charges or refunds, contact the Business Office at (210) 829-6043 or visit our Business Office Web Page by logging on to: and clicking onto link Business Office.