
Women's and Gender Studies Concentration


(Note: Only one Independent Study course equivalent to three credit hours may be applied to the Women's and Gender Studies Concentration)

1. Required Courses (9 hours):

ENGL 2340Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

PHIL 3395Feminist Philosophy

PSYC 3355Psychology of Women

2. Electives (9 hours selected from the following courses):

BIOL 4480Research in Behavioral Endocrinology

CLST 4399Selected Topics in Cultural Studies

COMM 3333

CRJU 3372Women in Crime and Criminal Justice

ENGL 2360Literary Theory

ENGL 3330Genre Studies

ENGL 3340Women's Writing

ENGL 4340Major Authors

ENGL 4350Literary Movements

ENGL 4355Contemporary Rhetorical Theory

ENGL 4399Special Topics

GOVT 1391Human Rights

HIST 4320American Women's History

HIST 4350Topics in World History

HIST 4352Topics In U.S. History

MUSI 3349Women In Music

RELS 3340Feminist Theologies

RELS 4300Women and Faith

RELS 4310Women in the Christian Tradition

Note:  CLST 4399, ENGL 3330, ENGL 4340, ENGL 4350, ENGL 4399, HIST 4350, HIST 4352: Must have clear emphasis on Women and/or Gender; Advisor Approval Required

3. Colloquia Requirement:

In addition to their coursework, students must document their attendance at a minimum of three events related to Women's and Gender Studies. Documentation must be presented to students' advisors.