
Criminal Justice (B.A.)

Recommended Sequence of Courses in the major:

For a current degree sequence, please visit the department's website.

1. 24 semester hours as follows:

CRJU 1311Introduction to Criminal Justice

CRJU 2392/GOVT 2392Introduction to the U.S. Legal System

CRJU 3322/SOCI 3322Criminology

CRJU 3330Law Enforcement in America

CRJU 3340Corrections

CRJU 3381/PSYC 3381/SOCI 3381Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

CRJU 3384Research Methods in Criminal Justice

CRJU 4301Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice

2. 12 semester hours of coursework selected from the following courses:

CRJU 3300Victimology

CRJU 3323/SOCI 3323Issues in Contemporary Criminal Justice

CRJU 3325/PSYC 3325Drugs and Crime in Modern Society

CRJU 3343Probation, Parole and Community

CRJU 3347/SOCI 3347Sociology of the Death Penalty

CRJU 3350Juvenile Justice

CRJU 3360Ethics in Criminal Justice

CRJU 3365Media and Crime

CRJU 3367Sex Offenders

CRJU 3369Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

CRJU 3390Internship in Criminal Justice

CRJU 4490/PSYC 4490Drug Use Prevention and Interventions

GOVT 4316Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

3. A minor in any other discipline.