Satisfactory Academic Progress

Compliance with the rules for satisfactory academic progress is expected of all students. Students who receive financial aid must comply with financial assistance policies on satisfactory academic progress as described in the Financial Aid Section.

A full-time student who fails to complete nine semester hours in one semester may be issued a warning for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. In the subsequent semester, a full-time student who has been given a warning and who again fails to complete nine semester hours will be placed on academic probation for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. A full-time student who in three consecutive semesters fails to complete nine semester hours will be placed on enforced withdrawal for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. Appeals will follow the enforced withdrawal procedure.

Academic Standing for Main Campus Students


Full time students who have an institutional cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be placed on scholastic probation.  Students on scholastic probation must meet with an advisor from the Office of the Dean of Student Success and complete a learning contract that maps specific requirements for the subsequent semester.  Learning contracts may limit the hours of enrollment, require the student to attend tutoring sessions and/or have other stipulations that the advisor has determined will assist the student in his/her path to graduation.  The contract must be signed by the student and the Dean of Student Success by the end of the second week of classes of the semester that the student is on scholastic probation.  If a student does not complete the contract and/or satisfy the terms of the contract, the student may not be allowed to continue enrollment at the University of the Incarnate Word. This decision will be made by the Dean of Student Success and the Provost of the University. Students and their academic advisor will be notified of their academic standing at their official University Cardinal e-mail address.

Students who earn a semester GPA of less than 2.0 in two consecutive semesters and have a cumulative institutional GPA of less than 2.0 will be suspended from the University of the Incarnate Word.  Notification of suspension will be sent from the office of the Dean of Student Success to the student’s official University Cardinal e-mail address.  Students who are on suspension from the University will be withdrawn from all classes and will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters.  Students on suspension may apply for readmission after one year of productive activity, preferably academic.  Readmission requires the approval of the Committee on Admission in consultation with the Dean of Student Success.  If readmission is granted, the student will be conditionally admitted and will need to complete a learning contract. A student may appeal the Suspension status by sending a letter to the Dean of Student Success. All appeals will be reviewed by the Dean of Student Success and the Provost or the Academic Dean of the School or college of the student’s major.  The student will be notified of the appeal decision by an e-mail from the Office of the Dean of Student Success.


Students who are required to withdraw from the University may apply for readmission after one year of productive activity, preferably academic. Such readmission requires the approval of the Committee on Admission in consultation with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. If readmission is granted, the student will be on scholastic probation, with enrollment limited to 12-13 semester hours for full-time students.

Part-time students who fail to earn a C (2.0) in any six semester hours out of 12 semester hours attempted may be required to withdraw from the University. Part-time students enrolled for at least six credits and with a GPA below 2.0 may be placed on probation.

In special circumstances, a student who is placed on enforced withdrawal:

  1. May appeal the action and be allowed to register the following semester after appropriate review and approval from the Dean of Student Success and Provost.

  2. The Dean of Student Success and Provost may mandate any specific conditions deemed appropriate.

  3. If, at any time, during that semester the student has not satisfied the conditions stipulated, he or she may be required to withdraw from the University.

Academic Standing for ADCaP and UIW Online Students


Full time students who have an institutional cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be placed on scholastic probation. Students who wish to continue at the University must have subsequent terms where their GPA is above 2.0. If not, the student may not be allowed to continue enrollment at the University of the Incarnate Word. Students will be notified of their academic standing at their official University Cardinal e-mail address.


Students who earn a term GPA of less than 2.0 in two consecutive terms and have a cumulative institutional GPA of less than 2.0 will be suspended from the University of the Incarnate Word. Notification of suspension will be sent from the dean of ADCaP or UIW Online. Students who are on suspension from the University will be withdrawn from all classes and will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters. Students on suspension may apply for readmission after one year of productive activity, preferably academic. Readmission requires a letter from the student indicating what they have done in the year off and how they are now prepared to be successful, as well as an application for readmission. If readmission is granted, the student will be conditionally admitted and will be expected to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or greater in subsequent terms. A student may appeal the Suspension status by sending a letter to the Dean of ADCaP or UIW Online, as appropriate. The student will be notified of the appeal decision by an e-mail from the Office of the Dean of ADCaP or UIW Online.