Tutoring Services

Our free services include tutoring, PASS-UIW and Study Hall for UIW undergraduate students.

Tutoring, one-on-one and in groups, is offered in business, science, foreign language and other humanities courses. We also offer sessions in time management and study skills.

PASS-UIW is a Peer Assisted Study Sessions Program for the sciences. Leaders facilitate the students’ collaborative learning through review of difficult content, practicing problem solving, and learning how to study for the course. Sessions start at the beginning of the semester. Information on the sessions for specific courses is posted on our website at www.uiw.edu/lac.

Study Hall is an opportunity for students to study and do homework in a relaxed environment. The calendar for Study Hall is published on our website.

TUTORING SERVICES is located in the main campus, Administration Building, room 206.

Tutoring in writing is available through the Writing and Learning Center also located in AD 206.

Tutoring in math is available through the Math Lab located in the Bonilla Science Hall 222.