Residence Halls and Dining Service

Students are provided the following options for Campus Housing: Residence Halls include triple, double, and single rooms; Village of Avoca, provides two bedroom, four person apartment units; ICC II offers apartment style housing units, which, provides single and double rooms. Units in ICC II can accommodate four to six residents.  The New Residence Hall (Hillside) will provide two floors of single rooms with private baths and one floor of double rooms with private baths.  

Food service plans are required for all students residing on campus. Residents are required to purchase meal plans each semester including summer sessions.  The meal plan does roll over from fall to spring if there is a balance, but remaining balances are forfeited after the Spring Semester.  Food service is provided at  four  facilities on campus, which include the Marian Hall Food Court, Hortencia's, Finnegan's, and Java on the Hill.