
In general, students are expected to be prompt and regular in attending classes. Attendance policies for individual classes are set by the instructor and written into the course outline. Although absence from class because of illness or emergencies is unavoidable, excessive absences normally affect quality of achievement and, therefore, the grade. The responsibility for attendance is placed primarily on the students. Students who are unable to attend scheduled classes should contact the University Advising Center. Personnel from this office will provide instructors with an explanatory notification of the absence. Such notice, however, does not excuse the absence, and the student must arrange with the instructor to make up work missed. At times, a student who is participating in an activity approved by the University is required to miss a class. Some examples of such activities are (1) those that a student participates in as a condition of his or her University-sponsored scholarship, (2) a college dean-approved event, (3) participation in a University sponsored athletic competition, or (4) those that are a condition of satisfactorily completing the requirements of his/her major.

No student participating in any such event shall be charged with a specific penalty for missing the class, and any student will be given the opportunity to make up work missed in that class within a reasonable period of time. Instructors may wish to indicate more specifically how they will deal with these circumstances in their syllabi.

The University recognizes that there are activities that may be important to the student. Arrangements for dealing with any class work missed as a result of these activities must continue to be negotiated between the student and instructor.

Instructors may require students to withdraw who miss more than 15% of the scheduled classes through any combination of excused and/or unexcused absences. Students who register for classes and cease attending, without dropping the course or withdrawing from the University, will be charged the tuition for the course and will receive a grade based upon their attendance and all work required.