
Adult Instruction and Training A.A.

Adult Instruction and Training Course Descriptions

The Associate of Arts in Adult Instruction and Training was designed to help students understand how adults learn. The adult learner presents unique instructional and training challenges. This degree program will help students understand the characteristics of an adult learner. It includes an understanding of motivation, barriers to learning, types of reinforcement, andragogy, instructional design and retention.


A. 15 hours Adult Instruction and Training Requirements:

EDUC 2311Adult Learning Theory and Practice

EDUC 2320Introduction to Instructional Design

EDUC 3301Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners

EDUC 3302Assessment Strategies for Adult Learners

EDUC 3303Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning

B. 15 hours general electives to meet 64 total credit hours for the degree

C. 22 Clock hours of Community Service is required