Student Complaint Policy

The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) is committed to fostering a learning environment that promotes academic excellence and personal development. Students are encouraged to voice their complaints and concerns in a manner that is respectful of the dignity of the individual, if any, who is the subject of the complaint. It is the policy of UIW that students with complaints are treated honestly and fairly, and that their complaints be handled in a timely manner with regard to resolution of the issue(s) presented. Any UIW student may express a concern or complaint by following these procedures. Please note that UIW explicitly prohibits any member of the UIW community from harassing or retaliating against students who file complaints.

General Guidelines

Complaints are most effectively and efficiently managed by first expressing them to the individual, if any, who is the subject of the complaint. Students are strongly encouraged to first discuss their complaint directly with any such individual involved.

If the complaint involves a policy, procedure, or area of responsibility of a specific administrative department, it should be directed to the supervisor or manager of that department. In each instance of a departmental complaint, the appropriate individual will investigate the complaint, seek a solution, and report back to the student in writing within 10 school days. The department supervisor/manager will keep a record of the decision.

For more information about how to process a complaint or to appeal a decision, the student should contact the appropriate office below.

Offices to Contact for Different Kinds of Complaints

a) Course Work Complaints

Students who have complaints about what they believe to be unfair treatment involving their academic work should contact the appropriate College/School Dean.

  • College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Administration Building 163, CPO 94, (210) 829-6022
  • Division of Extended Academic Programs, 3200 McCullough (adjacent to St. Anthony's Catholic High School; CPO 294, (210) 805-5800
  • HEB School of Business and Administration, Gorman Business & Education Center, 140, CPO 123, (210) 805-5884
  • Dreeben School of Education, Gorman Business & Education Center, 124, CPO 16, (210) 829-2761
  • Feik School of Pharmacy, 703 E. Hildebrand, CPO 99, (210) 883-1000
  • Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions, Nursing Building Foyer, CPO 300, (210) 283-5093
  • Rosenberg School of Optometry, 9725 Datapoint, CPO 373, (210) 883-1194
  • School of Media and Design, Administration Building 112, CPO 107, (210) 829-6091
  • School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Science Hall, 112, CPO 68, (210) 829-2718
  • School of Physical Therapy, 9160 Guilbeau, CPO 412, (210) 283-6472

b) Other Academic Complaints

Students who have complaints about academic advisement or other issues related to academic policies, procedures, or deadlines should contact the Dean of Student Success, Student Support Center, CPO 96, (210) 805-3005. Students who believe they have received unfair treatment involving their academic work must first meet with their instructor. Unfair treatment applies to any act which may be perceived as either prejudiced or arbitrary in the evaluation of a student’s performance, or in the imposition of sanctions without regard for due process. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student shall have the right to appeal a decision in writing to the Dean of the school or college, or a person designated by the Dean, where the instructor resides. The Dean's decision is final and there is no further appeal to another administrative officer. Students may obtain the formal appeals form from the office of the Dean in whose college/school the instructor resides.

c) Administrative Department Complaints

Students, who have complaints about the policies, procedures, or deadlines of an administrative area of UIW, or the personal treatment they have received from an administrative area of UIW, should contact the appropriate major office of UIW.

Admissions, Kathleen Watson Enrollment Center, Room 112, CPO 285, (210) 805-3550

Business Office, Administration Building, Room 190, CPO 291, (210) 829-6088.

Center for Veterans Affairs, Kathleen Watson Enrollment Center, Suite 58, CPO (210) 829-2705

Disability Services, Administration Building, Room 119, CPO 28, (210) 829-3938

Financial Aid, Chapel Building, CPO 308, (210) 829-3912.

Graduate Studies and Research, Administration Building, Room 180, CPO 387, (210) 805-5840

Library, J.E. and L.E. Mabee Library, Room 215, CPO 297, (210) 829-3837.

Registrar, Administration Building, Room 129, CPO 304, (210) 829-6006.

Technology Services, Administration Building, Room 3, CPO 103, (210) 829-3866.

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct

Any member of the UIW community, including students, may file a complaint against any student for alleged violations of the UIW Student Code of Conduct by contacting the Dean of Campus Life, Marian Hall Student Center, CPO 306, (210) 829-6034. The Student Code of Conduct can be viewed online at To report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, go to

General Concerns or Complaints

Students who have a general complaint regarding UIW policies, procedures, or personnel should contact the Dean of Campus Life, Marian Hall Student Center, CPO 306, (210) 829-6034.

Harassment Complaints

Students who believe that they have been subjected to harassment or treated in a way that violates UIW’s anti-harassment policy (i.e., harassment related to an individual’s race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or disability) by another student, a UIW employee, a contractor, or a visitor to the campus, should immediately report the alleged harassment to the Director of Human Resources, Watson Enrollment Center, Suite 220, (210) 829-6019, or to the Dean of Campus Life, Student Center, CPO 306, (210) 829-6034.

Title IX Complaints

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It reads: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. For more information, go to

Address Title IX complaints to the Director of Human Resources, Kathleen Watson Enrollment Center, Suite 220, (210) 829-6019.