
Interior Design B.A.


1. 73 semester hours in Interior Design:

INTD 1355Architectural Design I

INTD 1358Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Illustration

INTD 1361Architectural Drawing I

INTD 1362Architectural Drawing II

INTD 2320Construction, Architectural Components, Systems, and Codes

INTD 2363Architectural Graphics

INTD 2364Color Theory

INTD 2300Basic Interior Design

INTD 2370Lighting and Design

INTD 2375Space Planning

INTD 3311

INTD 3350Interior Materials

INTD 3362History of Architecture and Furniture I

INTD 3363History of Architecture and Furniture II

INTD 3367Residential I

INTD 3370Commercial I

INTD 3472CADD for Interior Design

INTD 3375Residential II

INTD 4320Architectural Design II

INTD 4350Project Management

INTD 4361Work Experience in Interior Design

INTD 4363Environmental Controls

INTD 4375Senior Capstone

INTD 4395Professional Practice/Portfolio

2. 6 semester hours in Art:

ARTH 2361Art History: Ancient Through Medieval

ARTH 2362Art History: Renaissance to Modern

3. 3 semester hours in:

BMGT 4370/MIS 4370Project Management