
Chemistry B.S.

Students contemplating a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or Biochemistry should begin the introductory and organic chemistry sequence (chem-1301'>CHEM 1301, chem-2311'>CHEM 2311, and chem-2312'>CHEM 2312) the fall semester of their freshman year or as soon as they satisfy the math pre-requisite. math-2312'>MATH 2312 and math-2313'>MATH 2313 should be completed by the end of the sophomore year if possible.


1. 59-60 semester hours distributed as follows:

I. Support courses:

MATH 2312Calculus I

MATH 2313Calculus II

PHYS 2305/PHYS 2105Physics I and Lab

PHYS 2306/PHYS 2106Physics II and Lab

II. Introductory Chemistry courses:

CHEM 1301/CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

CHEM 1203LChemical Principles Laboratory

III. Foundation Chemistry Courses:

CHEM 2311/CHEM 2111Organic Chemistry I and Lab

CHEM 3421/3421LQuantitative Analysis and Laboratory

CHEM 3441/3441LInorganic Chemistry and Lab

CHEM 4351/CHEM 4151Biochemistry I and Lab

CHEM 4431/4431LPhysical Chemistry I Thermodynamics and Lab

IV. In-Depth Courses:

CHEM 2312/CHEM 2112Organic Chemistry II and Lab

CHEM 4422/4422LInstrumental Analysis and Laboratory

CHEM 4432/4432LPhysical Chemistry II Quantum Mechanics and Lab

CHEM 4260Advanced Chemical Research

*Two semesters of chem-4160'>CHEM 4160 may be substituted for chem-4260'>CHEM 4260

V. Chemistry Elective:

One 3 or 4 hour chemistry course selected from any upper-division chemistry offering not listed above.

Recommended Electives: These courses are highly recommended for chemistry majors but are not required.

MATH 2303Introduction to Probability and Statistics

CHEM 4352Biochemistry II