
Applied Chemistry A.A.


1. 37 semester hours distributed as follows:

English Composition Courses:

ENGL 1311Composition I


ENGL 1311LComposition I with Lab


ENGL 1312Composition II

Literature course

Fine Arts course

PHIL 1381Introduction to Philosophy

Religious Studies or Philosophy course

History course

Social Science course

Natural Science and Mathematics Courses:

CHEM 1301/CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

MATH 1304College Algebra

Dimensions of Wellness course (1200 or 3200)

Physical Education course

2. Required Chemistry Courses (24 hours):

CHEM 1301/CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

CHEM 1203LChemical Principles Laboratory

CHEM 2311/CHEM 2111Organic Chemistry I and Lab

CHEM 2312/CHEM 2112Organic Chemistry II and Lab

CHEM 2420

CHEM 2430

CHEM 2431

3. Non-chemistry Courses (6 hours)

MATH 2303Introduction to Probability and Statistics

SPCH 1311Public Speaking