Pre-requisites for UIW Doctor of Physical Therapy

Suggested Coursework

ATHP 1211Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals

BIOL 1402Unity of Life and Laboratory

BIOL 2121/BIOL 2321Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I and II

BIOL 2322/BIOL 2122Anatomy and Physiology II and Lab

CHEM 1301/CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

CHEM 1203LChemical Principles Laboratory

PHYS 1301/PHYS 1101General Physics I and Lab

PHYS 1302/PHYS 1102General Physics II and Lab

SOCI 3381/PSYC 3381Statistics for Behavioral Sciences

PSYC 1301Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 2370Child and Adolescent Development

PSYC 3370Adult Development and Aging


SOCI 3355Aging in America

PHIL 3333Applied Ethics

SPAN 1313Beginning Spanish for Health Care Professionals