
English Course Descriptions

The UIW Department of English is committed to the development of reading, thinking, and writing skills in all of the University's students. This commitment extends the university's mission: students find their own voice through the critical study of other voices in language and literature.

The study of English develops reading, thinking, and writing skills. Close reading of texts through critical and theoretical frames and the production of clear and logically-argued writing are foundations that prepare for any profession; administration, business, writing, teaching, law, and diplomatic and social services are all well suited careers for English majors.

Employers value English graduates for their analytical and communication skills and imaginative creativity; the English program reinforces these skills. In addition, the program recognizes that many English students elect Graduate Studies; thus, upper-division courses provide opportunity for students to hone their research skills and to participate in scholarly discourse outside the local university community.

Preparations for academia, employment in corporate or government sectors, and life experience are enhanced by English literary and cultural studies, which encourage students' expressive and analytical responses to their own and others' social identities, and societal and natural environments, both local and global. Consequently, every course in the program, whether dealing with literature, linguistics, language arts, or writing, encompasses a global dimension.

The English faculty is committed to a rotation of course offerings that is sequential and flexible, covering literature and language, theory and practice. Thus, the department offers courses from the following categories: Core, Surveys, Literary Studies and Criticism, Language Arts and Linguistics, Rhetoric and Professional Writing, and Senior Seminar.