
Computer Information System (BS)

Minors in Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security Systems are available for students who wish to enhance their chosen field of study, since computer information systems and concepts are employed in nearly all organizations today.

Requirements for the B.S. degree with the Computer Information Systems Major:

The CIS major consists of the following 44 hours of required CIS program core courses plus one selected concentration (ranging from 18 to 27 hours). Students are also required to complete the university core course requirements (43 hours) and additional general electives, at the 3000 or higher course level, to complete a minimum of 120 hours in total to graduate. This major culminates in a capstone course experience in which students integrate CIS concepts and demonstrate what they have learned in a useful and meaningful way.

1. CIS Core Courses (44 hours)

CIS 1100Orientation to CIS

CIS 1301Computer Information Systems

CIS 2333Scripting Languages

CIS 2328Hardware and Systems Software

CIS 2330Programming Languages I

CIS 2335Computer Networks

CIS 2340Introduction to Operating Systems

CIS 2350UNIX/Linux Operating System

CIS 2368Website Development I

CIS 3310Database Management Systems

CIS 3319Internship in Computer Information Systems


CIS 3362Systems Analysis and Design

CIS 3367Networks & Telecommunications

CIS 4190Seminar in CIS


CIS 4390CIS Capstone


CIS 43RCHCIS Honors Research

2. CIS Concentration Requirements

Students must select from one of the following four CIS concentrations: Cyber Security, Emerging Technology, Computer Networking, or Programming. Additional prerequisite may be required for some courses.

CIS 3325Linux Networking

CIS 3340Windows Client-Server Network

CIS 3335/CSEC 3335Cryptography

CIS 3345Digital Forensics

CIS 3370Intrusion Detection Systems

CIS 4355Cloud Computing

CIS 4370Network Penetration Testing

Cyber Security Concentration (27 hours)

The following 21 hours of courses, plus 6 hours of additional CIS specialization courses are required for this concentration. 
CIS 3325Linux Networking

CIS 3340Windows Client-Server Network

CIS 3335/CSEC 3335Cryptography

CIS 3345Digital Forensics

CIS 3370Intrusion Detection Systems

CIS 4355Cloud Computing

CIS 4370Network Penetration Testing

Specialized Course Options
CIS 3330Programming Languages II

CIS 3360Computer Science

CIS 3365Website Development II

CIS 3380Emerging Technologies

CIS 4330Object Oriented Programming

CIS 4375Creating Dynamic Websites

CIS 4380Virtual Environments

Emerging Technology Concentration (21 hours)

The following 15 hours of courses, plus 6 hours of additional CIS specialization courses are required for this concentration. 
CIS 3360Computer Science

CIS 3380Emerging Technologies

CIS 4380Virtual Environments

COMM 1301Introduction to Mass Communication

COMM 4305Communications, Technology, and Society

Specialized Course Options
CIS 3330Programming Languages II

CIS 3365Website Development II

CIS 3325Linux Networking

CIS 3335/CSEC 3335Cryptography

CIS 3340Windows Client-Server Network

CIS 3345Digital Forensics

CIS 4355Cloud Computing

Computer Networking Concentration (18 hours)

The following 12 hours of courses, plus 6 hours of additional CIS specialization courses are required for this concentration. 
CIS 3325Linux Networking

CIS 3340Windows Client-Server Network

CIS 3370Intrusion Detection Systems

CIS 4355Cloud Computing

Specialized Course Options
CIS 3330Programming Languages II

CIS 3365Website Development II

CIS 3335/CSEC 3335Cryptography

CIS 3345Digital Forensics

CIS 4370Network Penetration Testing

CIS 3380Emerging Technologies

CIS 4380Virtual Environments

Computer Programming Concentration (21 hours)

The following 15 hours of courses, plus 6 hours of additional CIS specialization courses are required for this concentration. 
CIS 3330Programming Languages II

CIS 3360Computer Science

CIS 3365Website Development II

CIS 4330Object Oriented Programming

CIS 4375Creating Dynamic Websites

Specialized Course Options
CIS 3325Linux Networking

CIS 3335/CSEC 3335Cryptography

CIS 3345Digital Forensics

CIS 3380Emerging Technologies

CIS 4355Cloud Computing

CIS 4370Network Penetration Testing

CIS 4380Virtual Environments